Do you feel a spookiness in the air?
It’s probably the mosquitoes that refuse to die because today’s high was 84 degrees. But have no fear: Our SPOOKY HILL 2021 MAP is here to give your October an autumnal semblance. You’ll be able to plan walks around the Hill and you’ll also be able to plan your Halloween trick-or-treating. How do you like that? If you’re decorating, doing a candy chute or other special treats, send an email to and I’ll add you.
What else is going on?
The Live on the Hill series has been extended and, luckily for us all, October has FIVE Fridays! Today, enjoy music by Zach Cutler. The two remaining dates are as follows:
Oct 22, Amy Bormet
Oct 29, Imani Grace-Cooper
October means OKTOBERFEST! The Bavarian-inspired festival, or what I recently learned is nothing but an extended wedding celebration, is one of those things that screams autumn– and beer. Here are a few options around our area:
- The Brig is holding SMOKETOBERFEST on Sunday, October 17. It’ll be an amazing pig roast and football. What more could you want? Tickets and info here.
- Cafe Berlin: Sometimes you just need really good German food and a beer. Good thing our friends at Cafe Berlin have a special Oktoberfest menu just for you.
- The first ever TUNETOBERFEST is on October 24! It’s the Tune Inn– do you really need more info? Just go buy tickets here.
Support local artists! The Capitol Hill Art League has a show called “Memories” currently hanging at Frame of Mine, 545 8th Street SE. It runs through this evening, but you can also check it out online here.
By the way, are you a local artist? Why not apply for CHAW’s artist residency? This could be a chance to use their beautiful space to project your artistic vision. More details here.
Craving live music? The Set List is SO FULL of amazing acts, neatly organized by geographical area. You can also see which venues require full vaccination before you’re allowed to partake in the fun. Click here and check it out!
The Payne Fall Festival is coming on October 23! From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., enjoy a petting zoo, giant slide, a bake sale and more! The festival benefits Payne Elementary’s PTSA.
The Literary Pumpkin Walk is happening on October 23 and you are invited to participate. Sign up here.
The first ever TUNETOBERFEST is on October 24! It’s the Tune Inn– do you really need more info? Just go buy tickets here.
Nightmare in Navy Yard is an outdoor pop-up celebration for masked and vaccinated ghouls and ghals, happening October 30. For more information and tickets, click here. (Psst– early bird tickets are cheapest!)
Hilloween is back in person! On Friday, October 30, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. enjoy live pumpkin carving, a costume contest and loads more, in the heart of Eastern Market. Click here to sign up for notifications.
Want to run 30 miles in 30 days but need a little accountability for a good cause? Why not sign up to run Montessori Miles with Waterfront Academy? Click here for more information.
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the past, present and future of Union Station? On November 3, the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation will hold a special virtual session all about this beloved and busy hub. Sign up here.
Have you ever wondered what a large, afternoon/evening market that closes down part of a major artery and showcases tons of your favorite local Asian-American vendors and entrepreneurs would look like? WONDER NO MORE. The Redeye Night Market is literally here to fulfill this very fantasy, happening Saturday, November 6, from 4 p.m. to midnight on Pennsylvania Avenue, between 3rd and 7th Streets NW (a very short walk from the Hill so we’re claiming it!) Are you SO EXCITED? Me too. Learn more here and RSVP here.
If you are one of those sweet lambs for whom Chrismas cannot get here fast enough, you can now buy tickets to Enchant Christmas at Nationals Park. The dazzling light display and Christmas light maze follows the adventures of the Mischievous Elf. Enchant Christmas kicks off November 26 and tickets start at $29 per child. For more information click here, and to get tickets, click here.
Union Kitchen is opening their newest store in Eckington (1625 Eckington Place NE) and if you visit them on opening day, Monday, October 19, between 8 and 9 a.m., you get a Blind Dog choc chip cookie!
ARTECHOUSE is a museum focusing on immersive experiences that incorporate the magic of technology and the whimsy of artistic expression. Their newest installation is called “The Life of a Neuron” and opens September 27. For more info a tickets, click here.
The Dupont Underground is back with all sorts of incredible events. Check it out here.
The Congressional Chorus‘s first concert of the season will be a spooky Halloween-themed romp called “A Nightmare on G Street.” More info here.
Put it on the calendar RIGHT NOW! The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building is reopening on November 20 and there is a host of incredible activities to mark this special occasion, starting with the FUTURES REMIXED three-day festival, November 19-21. Follow their Instagram for updates and RSVP here to the FUTURES REMIXED festival.
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