06 Nov 2018

Election 2018:

Vote today!

Photo by Instagram user @jabnar, via our #thehillishome feed

To those of you waiting in the rain to vote, I SALUTE YOU! Here are a few links to make your decision easier:

Find your polling place here: https://www.dcboe.org/FAQS/Polling-Places

ANC Candidate statements: https://thehillishome.com/2018/10/early-voting-starts-today/

DC State Board of Education: Incumbent Joe Weedon and Challenger Jessica Sutter

Ward 6 Councilmember: Incumbent Charles Allen and Challenger Michael Bekesha

DC Shadow Representative Challenger Erik Metzroth

Also, the world’s shortest and laziest voter guide:



Now for the celebratory part! Our buddy Barred in DC has a very complete Election Day drinking guide that you should check out here. Keep your eyes peeled on our Twitter account, as we will also be retweeting specials as we see them.

If you want to watch election returns among like-minded folks, we’ve reached out to candidates to see where they’ll be watching and celebrating (or commiserating). So far, we can tell you that Charles Allen and Joe Weedon will be holding a party together at Tunnicliff’s, 222 7th Street SE, starting at 8 p.m. Jessica Sutter will be at Hill Prince, 1337 H Street NE. Good luck to everyone and cheers!

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