Just a gentle reminder to GET OUT THERE AND VOTE, PEOPLE! While we would rather eat a bag of something unsavory rather than think about our national election and the awful backbiting and bickering involved, we strongly encourage you to turn in a vote for our local elections– especially the At-Large councilmember seat. Here at The Hill is Home, we would like to remind you that if you like the way things are in our city and neighborhood, then it’s okay not to take action. However, if you would like to do a little shaking-up of the status quo, this could be the election to do it.
Need to find your polling place? Use this tool: https://www.vote4dc.com/SearchElection/SearchByAddress
Remember that polls in the District of Columbia are open until 8 p.m. EDT. (If anyone tries to kick you out early, kindly remind them that they may not.)