09 Oct 2020

Election 2020:

ANC Candidate Statements: Misha Pettway, ANC 6B07

It’s 25 days until election day and most of you have probably made up your minds about whom you will vote in the general election. However, when it comes to local elections, most people have no idea how their District, Ward or advisory neighborhood commissions are divided or affect them. Local outlets such as Greater Greater Washington do a good job of bringing hyperlocal politics news, and reasons why you should run for these nonpartisan offices. OpenANC allows you to learn more about your own single-member district, so you know the names of the people in the race. As is now a tradition, The Hill is Home is publishing candidate statements in the order in which we’ve received them, so you know a little more about the people running and don’t go into the voting booth (or mail-in ballot) blind. –Maria Helena Carey

Statement by Misha Pettway, ANC 6B07

Misha Pettway. Photo courtesy of the candidate.

I am Misha Pettway, a proud Washingtonian, community advocate and activist! I was born into a family of advocates, community activists, and politics. So this decision to run for ANC feels right, intentional, and divine. I’ve lived in all 4 quadrants of DC and have served as a VOICE for the people and have witnessed firsthand the impact of both good and bad policy implementation here in DC.

The challenges that my community have faced have motivated me to take a stand, inspire action and challenge the status quo when necessary. I am inspired to see an inclusive DC where ALL residents have the power to build powerful lives. From the least of them to the greatest, ALL should have equal rights and access to share in the wealth of the District. That is why my voice is vital to the landscape. I bring an experience powered by passion, knowledge, and expertise. I believe I am uniquely qualified to
represent my communities because I share so many commonalties with them– For I am them.

I believe in self-motivation, having integrity and operating in excellence. I also believe that government should be transparent and open to the people to influence and guide the change they desire to see in their everyday lives. I am very resourceful–and I surround myself with a support network of friends, family, and professionals who all share in my fundamental values. If I don’t have an answer, I will find it. I believe in meeting people where they are and through keen insight, I can quickly identify gaps and offer a plan or resources and support. I am a servant leader with one priority: to improve the quality of life for residents who call DC home!

I am working to obtain my certification in leasing and property management and have since then started my own property management company “Big Red Property Management.” As an entrepreneur with a budding business, I know firsthand the challenges of accessing the tools that will aid in your prosperity.

For that reason, I was instrumental in bringing change to DC’s most vulnerable residents (i.e. Public housing and section 8 families) through the invitation of Can I Live, Inc., a national public housing tenants association whose mission is to move One Million Moms (and Dads) OFF the Welfare System by 2030. I resonated with their mission and knew other residents could benefit from their small business incubator, tenant organization, training, arts and drama division. Since becoming a member, I have been able to bring Clarity, Understanding and Transparency to the residents of the Potomac Garden Community. We were able to reduce and curb the gross negligence, tyranny and abuse of the previous council and offered residents information they could understand and utilize in their daily lives. I was instrumental in bringing tangible supportive services and resources to my community through the Residents Opportunity and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) program.

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