It’s 47 days until election day and most of you have probably made up your minds about whom you will vote in the general election. However, when it comes to local elections, most people have no idea how their District, Ward or advisory neighborhood commissions are divided or affect them. Local outlets such as Greater Greater Washington do a good job of bringing hyperlocal politics news, and reasons why you should run for these nonpartisan offices. OpenANC allows you to learn more about your own single-member district, so you know the names of the people in the race. As is now a tradition, The Hill is Home is publishing candidate statements in the order in which we’ve received them, so you know a little more about the people running and don’t go into the voting booth (or mail-in ballot) blind. –Maria Helena Carey
Statement by Michael Triebwasser, ANC 5C01
Hi everyone! My name is Michael Triebwasser. I’m excited to be running for ANC Commissioner for 5C01 in Woodridge where I’ve lived for the past seven years. If elected, I will be a Commissioner who is engaged, supportive, and welcoming to residents of all backgrounds.
This is a great neighborhood and I’ve found a home here unlike anywhere else I’ve lived. Because of that, I want to use both my personal and professional experiences to be a committed advocate for everyone to the city government.
For the past five years, I’ve worked as a bookseller and manager at an independent bookstore in DC. From this experience I know an important component of community life is regular communication. As Commissioner, I would work to ensure meetings and resources are not only accessible to residents in different formats but also on a consistent basis. Also, as a Venezuelan-American with international experience, I understand the importance of and would work to foster a sense of neighborliness for everyone in my community, especially those from marginalized groups. I’m a big believer in community-based problem solving: talking to neighbors to get things done.
Some of my major priorities include upgrading parks and green spaces in Woodridge and increasing pedestrian and bike safety on major thoroughfares like Rhode Island Avenue NE and South Dakota Ave NE.
I would love to hear from you and have your support. Check out my website at for my other policy positions and ways to get involved. I’m also on Facebook and Twitter at @trieb4anc.
Thank you!
Michael Triebwasser
Candidate for ANC in 5C01, Northeast Washington, DC