Tim Krepp

Tim is The Hill is Home's resident curmudgeon. He is a tour guide and the author of two books, Capitol Hill Haunts and Ghosts of Georgetown, as well as shorter pieces which have appeared in the Washington City Paper, Huffington Post, and other outlets. He also maintains, and very occasionally updates, the blog DC Like a Local, which seeks to provide useful tips to Washington’s visitors. Recently, Tim was a happily unsuccessful candidate for the D.C. Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives, and takes an active interest in improving his community. Tim lives on Capitol Hill with his wife, Denise, and two daughters.

Tim Krepp
18 Jun 2018

Election 2018:

The Lazy Voter’s Guide, 2018 Primary Edition

Our readers asked and we delivered. Just in time for Primary Day, June 19, resident curmudgeon Tim Krepp gives you his Lazy Voter’s guide. Check it out below and leave us a comment on Facebook or Twitter letting us know if you found it helpful. Make sure you click on the links, as they contain interviews […]

19 Oct 2016

Local Politics:

2016 Lazy Voter’s Guide

I’ll be honest: It’s not critical that you vote this year. If you were gonna take a year off, here is your chance. There’s not the slightest bit of mystery for the results of any of these races. However, democracy is as much about process as is it about results. So, suck it up; do your duty; go […]

30 Sep 2015

Local Politics:

No Football Stadium for RFK!

As the old RFK Stadium crumbles to dust, we have an incredible opportunity to grow our city in innovative ways. The RFK complex occupies something on the order of 190 acres on the Anacostia river, easily accessible to transit, and is a tabula rasa for the entire city. There’s so much we could do with it. […]

24 Jun 2015


TONIGHT: Anacostia River Open House with DDOE

The Anacostia River is well on its way to being a remarkable success story for how we interact with our urban rivers, but much remains to be done. The District Department of the Environment is hosting a series of community meetings highlighting what still needs to be done, as well as what we can do […]

05 May 2015


Bike to School Day? Fine.

Nothing says spring is back in DC like our annual Bike to School Day. You can keep your tourist-laden cherry blossoms, I’ll take our local celebration of something that makes Capitol Hill one of America’s best neighborhoods to raise children. It’s something we often take for granted: the ability to easily bike to school. After a […]

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