11 Apr 2018


Boston Marathon Confirmed

For many, the Boston Marathon is more than a race: it’s a 26.2-mile pilgrimage and the Olympics of recreational runners. For me, it was a rare opportunity to share the field with some of the greatest runners in modern history, as well as a way to ward off the winter blahs by having a big […]

28 Feb 2018


Hill’s Best Run Routes to Train for the Capitol Hill Classic 10K

We are lucky to live in a neighborhood with so many options to stay fit. I love sampling the many boutique fitness studios that have popped up in the area. However, landing a spot –especially during peak times– can feel a bit like scoring a table at Rose’s Luxury: Worth the effort but requires planning […]

14 Feb 2018


Warm Up to Winter Running

How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Did you resolve to run more, sign up for a 5K or some other race distance? Or have you decided to update your resolutions to learn how to knit a warm sweater and binge-watch Netflix during these cold and windy winter months? I get it. I was never […]

09 Feb 2018


A Better 2018: Health

Whatever resolutions you may have had at the beginning of the year have fallen by the wayside at this point. Let’s change that! One of the most popular resolutions is to start some sort of fitness regimen or workout routine at the beginning of the year. Crowded gyms in January seems cliché, but Julia Chigrina, a […]

30 Jan 2018

Capitol Hill:

From Couch to Coach: How to Start a Running Habit

“Why on earth would anyone run a marathon?” This was my thought every year as I cheered for neighbors and my gym teacher at the NYC marathon, blocks from my childhood home. The cheering was fun—the running, not so much. Didn’t these people realize they could get to Central Park quicker by subway than by […]

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