26 Aug 2024


Hill Family Biking: Bike to School?

Family (Biking) Matters is a monthly column that addresses questions and issues you may have as a person or family biking in the city. Don’t forget–– families come in all different shapes and sizes! If you have a question, write to hillfamilybiking@gmail.com.–– María Helena Carey


This month’s question

My family is thinking about the dreaded school pick-up/drop-off situation. We live a little too far to walk regularly, so we usually drive my kids to school. Last year, I noticed an increasing number of parents bike their kids to school and it intrigues me. Especially as a mom, I don’t feel confident riding a bike with my kids on DC streets. What should I do to gain the confidence to make school drop-off by bike a reality for my family? –– Mom w/ Bike Drop-off Envy

Dear Drop-off Envy: Thank you for your question! I am a mom of two kids and, with my husband, we live in NE DC. I have been biking casually around DC since 2012, but my whole family has embraced the bikeability of the Capitol Hill area even more in recent years. We can now be seen doing pick-up/drop-off, grocery shopping, and most city-based activities on our cargo e-bike with the kids on seats on the back.

So how do you make “biking with kids” a reality? I know I was initially intimidated by the possibility of my kid tipping over the bike, rainy days, and erratic drivers. These concerns never fully disappear; however, the more you do it, the more confident you become. I focus on the positives of biking with kids and ensure I’m not overlooking the negatives of driving a car (i.e. traffic, parking, crashes).

There are many benefits of biking with your kids to school, including:

  • Daily exercise and sunlight
  • Reduced stress from sitting in traffic
  • Smaller carbon footprint
  • Modeling a healthy lifestyle for your kids 
  • Having fun!

Here are a few tips that have increased my confidence while riding with my kids in DC:

  • Map your route: Know your route to school before heading out, and maybe even practice it a few times without the kids on the weekend.  Capitol Hill has some wonderful ever-improving bike infrastructure! I regularly bike an extra mile out of the way to enjoy the protection of the beautiful C St NE lanes. I feel safest when I know my route has dedicated bike lanes and is along a path that encourages slower car travel (e.g., one-way, one-lane roads). 
  • Know what you can control: You can’t control every driver, but you can control your own biking. If I’m in a rush, I’m less likely to bike safely, so now I don’t bike unless I have enough time to get to my destination calmly. Find what puts you in the right mindset for biking and be intentional about only biking when you can be aware and alert.
  • Invest in a bike set-up that serves your family: Having a bike you feel comfortable riding is critical. (In the market for a set-up? Check out our previous column for some tips!) Kids have a lot of stuff, so to make biking-to-school practical and safe, you need a place to store it safely. On our bike, we have a front rack and saddle bags that comfortably hold all the kids’ stuff. We would be much more likely to default to the car if we didn’t have available storage on the bike itself. 
  • Ease into it: If you don’t feel confident biking to school yet, take some bike rides that will build your comfort level. Riding with Hill Family Biking is an excellent way to practice biking on the streets. We eased into riding as a family by enjoying weekend rides along the Anacostia River Trail with our oldest first. Then we started taking him to daycare via bike. We purchased our cargo e-bike a year later. Start with what feels comfortable, and with practice, you’ll likely build to more from there.

And finally, remind yourself why you want to bike: There must be something motivating you. Maybe it is because, like me, you like to get sunlight and exercise while toting your kids around the city. Maybe you are sick of sitting in traffic and having to fight for a parking spot. Maybe all the cool moms at your school ride e-bikes. Or maybe zipping past traffic with the wind in your hair and a smile on your face brings you real joy. Whatever the reason, lean into that, and trust that you can do it.


Welcome back to school! Happy biking! Consider joining us for the Hill Family Biking Back to School Ride and Block Party on Saturday, August 31 at 10:30 a.m. This time, we’ll take a 4.5 mile bike ride touring Capitol Hill schools on the northern part of the Hill, starting and ending at Maury Elementary.

Back at Maury, we’ll have a block party to celebrate the new school year and unveil the first-of-its-kind in DC crosswalk art at 13th and Tennessee NE, made possible by grants from Capitol Hill Community Foundation and ANC 6A and a joint fundraising effort by Hill Family Biking and Maury PTA.

After the unveiling, enjoy the following:

  • Bouncy house,
  • Giant chalk art mural
  • Face painting
  • Chalk cycletrack for littles (bring your balance bikes!)
  • DC Public Library Book Bike
  • DJ Paul Spires
  • Maracas Ice Pops tricycle
  • A food truck.

Join us for the bike ride, the block party or both! Bathrooms will be available on-site. 

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