30 Dec 2020


Star Anchors on the Hill

You may have seen them around the hill: Those stars on the sides of brick buildings, often in rows like this. (RSP)
While they are often star-shaped, they are not decorative, however. Instead, they help keep the walls from buckling outwards – and are connected within to the joists. (RSP)
They are also called Anchor Plates, and exist in many different forms. Since they are often visible, the form is often quite decorative. (RSP)
Though not always. (RSP)
Sometimes, as in – possibly – this case, they are added later to add needed stability to the front walls. Such retrofitting is usually done in places subject to earthquakes. (RSP)
Other times, the addition may have been purely decorative, as in this case – although I’m sure someone with greater knowledge of brick structures might be able to explain better why these stars were added to one but not the other houses. (RSP)
As you walk around the Hill, see what different forms – and uses – you can find for these elements! (RSP)

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