06 Dec 2017

Arts & Entertainment:

Support Young Artists: Willy Wonka, Jr. at Stuart-Hobson MS, 12/8-12/9

On Friday, December 8 and Saturday, December 9, join the Stuart Hobson Drama Players for Willy Wonka Junior.

The musical, an adaptation of Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka, based on the well-known book, is the second musical put on by Ms. Tori Pergerson– together with Ms. Danyelle Kensey as choreographer. Ms. Pergerson, who has been with the Capitol Hill Cluster School since 2012 and specifically at Stuart-Hobson since 2016, brought an impressive level of achievement with her first show, last spring’s “Into The Woods, Jr.”

Ms Pergerson is “a level one certified drama teacher with ITHEATRICS, a company that produces the Broadway Jr versions of our plays, thanks to the generosity and support of the CHCSPTA.”  Thanks to fundraisers, the drama department is able to cover the fees related to licensing books– a significant expense.

The spring show, which also featured cameos by students from Capitol Hill Nursery Co-op and School Within School, was great fun for parents and non-parents alike. Wonka Jr. promises to deliver even more fun and more cameos from younger students from Watkins, Peabody and School Within School.

Support your local middle school and take a peek at the great things that our kids are doing. Plus, you are guaranteed a fun and excellent-caliber performance by the young players: What more could you ask for?

If you go:

WHAT: Willy Wonka, Jr.

WHERE: Stuart Hobson Middle School auditorium, 410 E Street NE.

WHEN: Friday, December 8 at 6 p.m.; Saturday, December 9 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Tickets are $7 each, or you can get 4 for $20. You can get tickets by clicking here: http://capitolhillclusterschool.org/wonka

WHY: I can guarantee you’ll be impressed. Stuart-Hobson has set the bar high over the years, and Ms. Pergerson has upheld this tradition confidently.

(Disclaimer: One of my children attends Stuart-Hobson Middle School)





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