29 Nov 2016

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Happy Holiday Home Tips


By Bonny King-Taylor, the doggy lama, pet coach

The number one way to eliminate stress in your home during the holidays is to create consistent boundaries by limiting your dog’s ‘range’ and providing appropriate sleeping quarters such as a crate or bed during the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating and hosting.

The second most important thing is to put temptations out of reach! If you don’t leave packages and food unattended or at nose height, chances are good your pooch will not be tempted to get on your nerves.


Beware of holiday hazards

  • macadamia nuts, grapes, raisins-be careful with chocolate but is it not nearly as dangerous as these foods
  • cords and lights—can be warm and attractive, and are deadly
  • radiators—a toasty nap can turn into a nasty burn
  • ornaments-especially easily broken glass or with tiny parts
  • tinsel-ingestion causes impaction and internal bleeding
  • popcorn garland-I love the popcorn and cranberry tradition, but dogs love eating popcorn more!
  • poinsettias, holly and mistletoe-these plants are all toxic
  • fatty foods-high fat content can cause painful pancreatitis
  • sweet treats-anything flavored with xylitol or cocoa can be lethal

Think of your dog as MUCH more persistent than a curious toddler and decorate your home accordingly. The tidier the house, the safer the dog.

What does it take to help your pet keep calm during the holidays?


Dogs love routine and can be confused by differing schedules while traveling, receiving visitors and shopping sprees. It is up to us to help them out by creating a consistent and grounding set of routines and habits that incorporate physiological and psychological calm.


Developing shared communication between the two of you is a gift only you can give your dog.

Get the interaction you both crave through training. If you want him more confident, you need to build his confidence make every day training day.


Limiting your dog’s range when you are not around is the key to emotional success. Many dogs can learn to be contentedly crated, as long as you take the time to make the crate a pleasant spot. Crating an anxious dog can prevent mishaps and calm him. It is best to choose as cool, calm and quiet a spot as possible and a crate that allows for standing and turning around comfortably. Start slowly. Make the crate the place where great things happen. Introduce crating with treats — feed him in the crate and then crate for short periods when you are home. NEVER use the crate for punishment or isolation.

Crates can even be a beautiful part of your décor!


Long walks, solo fetch games up slight hills and swimming are all good ways to drain off excess energy. Avoid wresting and play dates before leaving your dog alone. These tend to spin energy UP when you need energy to go down.


Mental exercise is even more draining than physical exercise! Games that build his self-control, focus and patience are key to him feeling better when alone. Puppy push-ups, hunt the treat, chase, up and down stairs (for young dogs at no risk of knee strain) are good options.


Make your comings and goings a NON-EVENT. Keep your voice low…or, better yet, don’t speak at all! Be as calm and matter of fact as possible. Any anxiety, guilt or negative emotion you have will be transmitted to your dog. Behave as you want your dog to act…positive and cheerful.

When you come home, completely ignore any stressy behavior. Never punish anxiety, or reward anxious behavior.


Trees and peeks

For both cats and dogs, an improperly secured tree can be a nightmare in festive clothing. Avoid crash-and-burns by putting small trees on tabletops or make sure your tree stand is heavily weighted and covered so that nobody drinks the water/chemicals.

Avoid leaving packages exposed, especially those that involve any type of scent at all. New things and smelly things are just too tempting to resist digging and nibbling.

Keep your home calm and secure and everyone will have a happier holiday season!


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