06 Apr 2016

Arts & Entertainment:


Your bracket is blown and by now only the most hardcore favorites remain here as well. We have bid farewell to a ton of beloved bars, eateries, dives, holes in the wall, highfalutin places that have no time for us– and places I’m pretty sure most of you didn’t even know served alcohol (I am looking at you, delicious guilty pleasure SizzEx).

But now, only four matches remain in the quest for the Hill’s most beloved bar. These matchups are, not to put too fine a point on it, INSANE. How can you pick between the ones left standing? How can a neighborhood say, “I prefer [awesome place] over [awesome place]” without a crack in their voice?

But now we just need your VOTES! As the stakes have been raised, we’ve been getting more and more votes, so CLICK HERE, SPREAD THE WORD AND VOTE!

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