20 Feb 2015


More Handy Tips From DCWater to Protect Your Pipes




Allow one faucet to slowly drip. Allowing water to move will help minimize the risk of your pipes freezing.

Allow one faucet to slowly drip. Allowing water to move will help minimize the risk of your pipes freezing.



And if you do have a pipe freeze, find the main line coming into the house and thaw it out by applying gentle heat to the pipe. A blow dryer or a space heater will do. Please do not use an open flame. Rapidly changing the temperature of the pipe could lead to a failure. 

And if you do have a pipe freeze, find the main line coming into the house and thaw it out by applying gentle heat to the pipe. A blow dryer or a space heater will do. Please do not use an open flame. Rapidly changing the temperature of the pipe could lead to a failure.


Finally, here is a tag that you can print out and hang on the valve. In case of emergency, anyone in the house can quickly locate the main water supply valve and cut off the water. (click image for full-size printable file)



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