11 Apr 2010

Two Alarm Fire at Eastern High School

If you’re on the Hill and outside you may have noticed the thick black smoke coming from Hill East and a steady stream of emergency vehicles heading in that direction. At about 4:30 our quiet Sunday afternoon (and my nap) was punctuated by scads of sirens, a helicopter overhead, and a plume of what appeared to be some sort of hydrocarbon based fire coming from the western portion of Eastern High School.

Unfortunately for all you voyeuristic types, the Fire Department proved to be quicker at putting the fire out than I was at finding my camera. Within minutes, units had responded, and, while a 2nd Alarm was called to provide reinforcements, the last smoke was seen at around 4:43.

According to Pete Piringer, Public Information Officer for DC Fire and EMS, no injuries were reported and the fire appears at this time to have been confined to the roof. Eastern is currently undergoing an extensive renovation and workers were on site at the time of the fire. While several were seen shortly after providing statements to firefighters, no cause has been announced yet.

Roads continue to be closed on East Capitol from 16th to 19th, but so far, a mercifully unexciting end to a startling sight.

Updated: here’s a picture of the smoke that could be seen from blocks away, from THIH contributor, Jon Penndorf:

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4 responses to “Two Alarm Fire at Eastern High School”

  1. Elizabeth Festa says:

    The smoke was black and billowing and ominous blocks over but gone licketedy-split when the hook and ladders arrived.

  2. Jenny Hoffpauir says:

    I’ll be so sad if it turns out to have been arson. But I would think the fire being on the roof would make that unlikely.

  3. Elizabeth Festa says:

    In talking to C Street station(Engine 8) about a possible birthday party visit, the kind lieutenant there said it was a common issue–roofers working on rubberized roofs–they are highly flammable, apparently, while being installed or mixed with roofing materials. I have heard of this before, on the Hill in previous roof fires.

  4. stephh says:

    fire at joa on april 14th ahah

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