18 Jan 2019


Update From Your ANC Commissioner

The DC flag. Photo by María Helena Carey, via Instagram.

We periodically share updates from your ANC commissioners, edited for brevity and clarity. Although these are most pertinent to particular single member districts (SMDs), we feel the information shared can be of interest to the whole Capitol Hill community. Are you an ANC commissioner who shares regular updates? Add thehillishome@gmail.com to your distribution list, please! –María Helena Carey and Kate McFadden

From Amber Gove, ANC 6A04

Vision Zero Map

At our last ANC 6A Transportation and Public Space meeting, DDOT representatives announced a revised process for identifying Traffic Safety Investigation Requests, including allowing direct requests from residents in partnership with their ANCs without the additional requirement of a petition. The easiest way to identify intersections and areas with safety needs, including dangerous conditions and behavior, is by using DDOT’s interactive map (it is even easier than 311). So after you play in the snow, snuggle up and make some entries into the database (fun for the whole family!). http://visionzero.ddot.dc.gov/VisionZero/  I plan to use this as a source of data for my conversations with DDOT, so please get your entries (or comments on existing entries) in soon.

DDOT Notice re: No Right on Red

At Thursday’s meeting our Commission voted to support DDOT’s Notice of Intent for prohibiting right turn on red at two intersections in 6A, as follows:

  • Constitution Ave NE & 13th Street NE & Tennessee Ave NE
  • Maryland Ave NE & 15th Street NE & Benning Road NE & Bladensburg Rd NE & H Street NE

We also asked that DDOT examine the data from this pilot and if warranted, extend the effort to include additional intersections with nearby high risk populations, including senior centers, parks, recreation centers, and schools throughout the District. In accordance with their notification requirements, DDOT is accepting comments from the public on the No Turn on Red restrictions through February 6 via email at vision.zero@dc.gov. Please make your voice heard on these important safety measures, which have been shown to reduce risk of injury and death among pedestrians, especially for vulnerable seniors and children.

ANC News

At Thursday’s meeting, in addition to our normal business, we welcomed two new Commissioners (Ruth Ann Hudson in 6A05 and Brian Alcorn in 6A08) and voted in a new slate of officers. I’m honored to serve as the new Chair, with Phil Toomajian (6A02) as Vice-Chair, Brian Alcorn (6A08) as Treasurer and Mike Soderman (6A03) as Secretary. Other returning Commissioners include Marie-Claire Brown (6A01), Stephanie Zimny (6A06) and Sondra Phillips-Gilbert (6A07). It has been wonderful to learn from all of my fellow Commissioners and I look forward to working with them during this next 2-year term. You can find contact details for our Commission at http://anc6a.org/commissioners/


Amber Gove

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, 6A04

Twitter: @AmberGove
Email: AmberANC6A@gmail.com

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