20 Apr 2012

Ben's Chili Bowl Previews H St Location

Originally uploaded to flickr by randomduck.

At its Wednesday night meeting this week, ANC 6A’s Economic Development and Zoning Committee saw early plans for a new Ben’s Chili Bowl at 1001 H Street, NE (formerly George’s Place).  The concept is like a combination Ben’s and Next Door, with the traditional Chili Bowl on the ground floor and a restaurant/bar upstairs, plus a possible roof deck.  It’ll be the family’s only non-stadium location outside their U Street roots.

The ground floor Bowl will have a similar look and feel as the original, with plenty of counter seating, some banquet seating and an outside patio on the 10th Street side.  The food concept for the upstairs restaurant isn’t complete, but the menu will be different from Next Door.  A possible roof deck will serve the restaurant menu and could be partially covered or enclosed to extend its seasonal use.

The family has been meeting with H Street leaders and adjacent neighbors to tell them about the project and get their feedback.  Like the original, the new spot will be eco-friendly, using windpower, recycling waste and utilizing special trash compactors.

Don’t get your heart set on a chili dog this summer.  The entire property will be gutted so it’ll be a while.  But it will be worth the wait!

Sharee Lawler is a Commissioner in ANC 6A.

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