07 Sep 2011

Drop by with Diapers, Please

Photo by Kate McFadden. Yes, mother should have been changing a diaper, not snapping a photo.

Last spring Nichole introduced us to the DC Diaper Bank, and lo and behold, people in need still need diapers. This weekend kicks off another diaper drive to support the area’s only diaper bank, founded right here on Capitol Hill by Corinne Cannon. In the last year, the organization gave away more than 50,000 diapers to the city’s neediest families.

As the birth of our child loomed last summer I began to fear for our grocery bills. I’d seen cost analysis on Costco vs. Babies R Us diapers and brand name over generic; the idea of buying thousands of diapers in the next few years made my knees knock. Amazon Mom has been a lifesaver with their savings and convenience — except when the auto-order gets the best of me! Who needs too-small diapers that take up valuable closet space? The DC Diaper Bank!

The diaper drive runs this Saturday through September 24 at three locations on the Hill. You can donate open packages of diapers; please label them with the size and number of diapers. In addition to diapers, feel free to drop off unopened wipes, diaper cream and formula at Metro Mutts (508 H St NE), the Playseum (545 8th St SE) or ShawaFel (1322 H St NE).  Each partner is offering enticing incentives and discounts for your donation. Plus, you’ll know that your donations make a huge impact on the lives of struggling families. Prolonged wear of soiled diapers leads to infections and research has shown that the stress caused when a child wears a dirty diaper all day can contribute to child abuse.

Cannon started the diaper bank shortly after the birth of her son Jack when she learned that diapers are not covered by food stamps, and the area lacks diapers banks like the ones in Nevada and Connecticut she was familiar with. With the support from local moms and dads, friends and grandparents, businesses and elected officials, the organization is now partnered with  Capital Area Food Bank and eight other local service agencies. Look for the diaper donation tent at the H Street Festival September 17.

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