15 Jul 2011

Things We Take For Granted – People Power

A few weeks ago our family’s beloved pup got out and was missing for over a day. She’d escaped while folks were in and out while doing some work on our house. Once we realized she was missing we were panicked because we had no idea how she had been gone.

Like anyone would do in this situation, I immediately took to the computer.

First I sent an email to Moms on the Hill and to a few local listservs.

Then I updated my Facebook status. This also involved changing my profile photo to that of the dog. I also tweeted, somewhat in vain as I have few followers and rarely tweet.

I then notified local bloggers, particularly H Street Great Street since he is a neighbor and conceivably could have seen her.

Next was Animal Control to make a report and scoured the neighborhood past dark looking for her. Meanwhile friends and colleagues retweeted and reposted our plight. Lulu, the 6 pound mutt, was all over the internet.

The next morning, still no Lulu. The kids, who had been pretty optimistic the night before, were starting to lose it a bit. One thought this was a good enough reason to stay home from school. Nice try buddy but no. I  had to to go to work at the Atlas for a bit and ran in to Joe Englert, owner of several establishments on H Street. He loves to make fun of Lulu and her ridiculous tininess but was sympathetic. “You know, you really need to make some fliers and just start walking around the neighborhood.”

Um of course! How did I not think of that?

So I threw together a crappy flier and hit H Street. Apparently Lulu had been having a grand time. She had been seen all over the neighborhood:  Sherwood Recreation center, Auto Zone parking lot and even, gulp, IN H Street. Eventually I made my way to the busy area at 8th and H where I met a woman who had seen Lulu. Her friend had picked her up and brought her home. We met up with him and he told me that she’d been at his house and that Animal Control had just picked her up. We got her back in the same condition she’d left in, except dirtier and with a microchip embedded in her.

After it all was over I was so grateful to the whole Internet-based world which had helped spread the word about our tiny dog. I was just so touched by how many people in and around my circles took the time to share. But then right after the gratitude, I also felt pretty stupid. After all that digital frenzy the way I found her was by talking to people in my neighborhood. Having the flier with the picture of the tiny dog was a great ice breaker. People took pity on my increasingly frantic frame of mind and total strangers were very kind as they took the flier and vowed be on the lookout for her.

So I think what I realized I’d been taking for granted was the value of  human to human connection. I spend my whole work day on the Internet as social media becomes more and more a part of my job. My iPhone and schmancy new iPad go with me everywhere. I’m always connected to the great big world out there. It took a crazy little dog, poorly made fliers and a hot day to remind me of the beauty of strangers connecting and helping each other right outside my front door.

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One response to “Things We Take For Granted – People Power”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Also, the Trash Warriors attacking litter around Potomac Avenue Metro. And also this: http://bit.ly/q5xykg

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