15 Dec 2010

greenHILLhome: Ready Willing Recycling

We know of Ready, Willing, and Working—the program that provides job training and other support to recently homeless men trying to get their lives back on track.  This program gives Capitol Hill the wonderful Men in Blue who help keep our neighborhood clean and direct visitors around the business areas.  A new program was recently launched to create more employment and training opportunities and help reduce the waste stream from local businesses.

The program, Ready Willing Recycling, collects used ink cartridges from local businesses to keep them from entering landfills.  Ink cartridges are composed of many types of plastic as well as small amounts of metal.  Plastic doesn’t readily decompose in a landfill and ink and some metals can be toxic when leaching into the water stream.  Removing these used ink cartridges reduces waste and saves energy.  Ready Willing Recycling aims to increase recycling in DC as well as providing paying jobs to homeless individuals who are trying to make a better life for themselves.

Businesses can participate in the program by completing the online enrollment form.  If you work for or own a Hill business, consider participating in this worthwhile program.

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