13 Aug 2010

Market Meals: A Mulligan at the Canales Delicatessen

Photo by María Helena Carey

There are some days in which even the smallest amount of effort feels like nothing short of punishment.  Your obligations leave you strained; everything is a drag; and the thought of planning dinner or let alone picking up a pot or a pan makes you cringe inwardly.

Clearly, I have an intimate knowledge of this state of disarray and, unfortunately, not every week are we fortunate enough to have H Street restaurants pretty much giving away food (if you’re interested, read up on H Street Eats, by the by!  Which is why this Market Meals is not so much about cooking a fabulous or intriguing meal with fresh and/or local ingredients, as much as it is about just giving the Canales Delicatessen a whirl.

Some may call getting prepared foods cheating, but I think that when life has handed you pre-sliced lemons, the only decent thing to do is to garnish your lemonade glass.  Besides, looking into the coolers at the Deli is one of my favorite things to do: all their offerings are cheerfully served in large bright red platters with scalloped edges, which just makes the browsing that much more appetizing if only because it shows someone took their time making things look great.

Alongside some of the tamer fare– pasta salads and potato salads, for instance–  there are intriguing offerings, such as orzo salads and couscous and sweet-and-savory empanadas and beautiful handmade pastas that are sure to delight or at least make you go, “well, THAT was interesting.”  They also have whole rotisserie chickens and all manner of cold cuts to make delicious sandwiches, and other tasty things that, if I am being honest, are making my mouth water about now just thinking about them.  And as I write this, a primal scream comes from all my adipose tissue: DON’T FORGET TO MENTION THE SAUSAGE!

Oh, the sausage is the best part.  Admittedly I have a fixation with all things pork, but oh!  The sausage.  If you are a fan, feel free to chime in.

So here is a total pass from me.  Guess where I’m getting dinner tonight?


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4 responses to “Market Meals: A Mulligan at the Canales Delicatessen”

  1. Fred says:

    The Chorizo is the BOMB.

  2. Sharee Lawler Sharee Lawler says:

    I go bun-less with the chicken and apple because it is just so good, I don’t want any carbs getting in the way.

  3. jay says:

    Mr Canales “country Sage sausage” has been in my Thanksgiving stuffing for 18 years now!
    Try the Carne Asada. I discovered it only this summer and it is now a staple. It’s made with Flank Steak and grills in moments. Served with quick garlic mashed potatoes and a veggie on the grill, and you’ve got an AMAZING dinner in 20 minutes.

  4. Maria Helena Carey Maria Carey says:

    People after my own calorie-loving heart!

    And now, I cannot wait to try that carne asada, Jay! Thank you for the delicious tips!

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