22 Jun 2010

Meeting to Discuss Possibility of Barney Circle Becoming a Historic District

As many of you know, there has been an ongoing effort to have Barney Circle designated as a Historic District. There are pros and cons and many opinions on whether or not this is something neighbors actually want, and that’s a post I’m working on for next week. In the meantime, the Historic Preservation Office is meeting with neighbors on Wednesday, June 23 at 7pm at the Liberty Baptist Church at 527 Kentucky Avenue SE. This will be the last opportunity to have your voices heard (for or against) before the hearing on Thursday June 24th.

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9 responses to “Meeting to Discuss Possibility of Barney Circle Becoming a Historic District”

  1. Eric says:

    Actually the LAST chance to voice your comments will be at the actual hearing on Thursday the 24th.

    In typical fashion for this entire process, that hearing is at 10am on a week day. It might as well be held on the moon as far as working families are concerned. So much for an open process …

  2. b says:

    what would the borders be?

  3. Eric says:

    – Kentucky and Barney Circle to the west/south
    – Potomac Ave to the north
    – 17th Ave (just the western side) to the east

    So, parts of G, H and 16th would be included in there as well. 192 homes in all.

  4. Sara says:

    I’m confused about the boarders that Eric outlined– that’s not a very big area. Also, does anyone know what the deal is with the stadium access road/entrance to 295 there by Barney Circle? It says “authorized vehicles only,” but it seems to get a lot of use…

  5. mah says:

    I’m looking to move to this neighborhood. What’s the rush to do this now? Are there real negatives to home improvement projects? Meaning, for me to afford this home now, and make upgrades, won’t I have to jump thru more hoops, have less control over decisions to my property and spend more? If so, it seems like an unnecessary burden to the working class and young families (of which I am both) in that neighborhood.

  6. sebastian says:

    Oh boy will you have to jump through permit review hoops, right down to the type of weather stripping that you can put around your front door.

  7. Amb says:

    I believe, if you have any questions, everyone should go to the meeting tonight to hear the presentation. Some information I have seen distributed in the neighborhood have not had completely accurate information, other than created a negative perspective.

  8. JMB says:

    Good luck residents of Barney Circle, you’re screwed if this passes. It’s funny it’s even being discussed since the architectural inventory in the mentioned area isn’t that rare, nor unique. The best thing for Barney Circle would be a mix of useful historic homes, mixed with creative, well designed integrated modern architecture (like any decent city in Europe), and the chance for residents to make what they want out of their homes (enlarge, creative design, etc.).

  9. Mindy says:

    Amb – the information contained in the distributed fliers was 100% accurate.

    It would be nice if you put your actual name next to a comment like that, rather than anonymously accusing people of lying .

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