03 May 2010

Meet US Attorney Office Staff at Police Town Hall

uploaded to Flickr by Walknboston

Each month there are a host of opportunities to get involved with community policing, from PSA meetings to Orange Hat patrols. The real benefit of these events is putting a face on local officers and the various MPD personnel.  A frustration frequently heard at community meetings is that our local Metropolitan Police Department patrols are only as strong as the legislation and the US attorney’s office staff that prosecutes apprehended suspects.

Tomorrow night, from 7-9 pm,  MPD’s First District Citizen Advisory Council will host a town hall forum including the recently confirmed Obama nominee US Attorney for DC, Ronald C. Machen, Jr, as well as his office’s First District Liaison Doug Klein, and Rob Hildum of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency.  MPD First District Commander David Kamperin will moderate the panel. Representatives from the US Capitol Police, US Park Police, Metro Transit Police, DC Housing Authority Police will also be in attendance. Representatives from the US Secret Service Uniformed Division and DC Protective Services have also been invited.

The meeting will be held in the community room of the First District Station at 101 M Street, SW. For more information, email ngrosen1DCAC [at] aol [dot] com or call ANC Commissioner Will Hill at 202-544-3785.

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3 responses to “Meet US Attorney Office Staff at Police Town Hall”

  1. M. Stevens says:

    Will there be any discussion about police monitoring or performing foot patrols on Penn Ave around the Eastern Market metro? I ask b/c as a business owner on that block between 6th & 7th the amount of homeless activity has significantly increased, even to the point where we have installed security cameras outside of our office and have had to call the police on more than one occasion to have someone come and de-loiter the area. Also there may be some drug transactions occurring as they are seen in front of and behind the office buildings (in the alley). This is a MAJOR concern and problem as a business owner as clients do not want to have to fight through a crowd of panhandlers to visit us.
    We all noticed the Vintage clothing store and others on the block having to reduce their business presence, economy aside this does have a direct reflection on the neighborhood.
    I do see police cars across at Sizzling Express but that is during their lunch hour, which is understandable, but have not seen any local patrols on the sidewalk.
    I also feel bad for the small children who take their walks down Penn on sunny days and are sometimes subjected to all of this. What are the city services available to this population and our neighborhood to help get this resolved? Thank you for your time.

  2. @M. Stevens, just FYI, the vintage clothing store, Remix, had to close because the owner is very ill. The Hill is Home covered it here: http://www.thehillishome.com/2010/01/the-remix-to-close-owner-ill/

  3. M. Stevens says:

    Thank you. I was a bit concerned about her as she was a good neighbor and I enjoyed her wonderful window displays. We came to the office one morning and the entire property was empty, then the leasing sign appeared and our fears were confirmed.

    But there is still a concern about safety and foot traffic as there are people loitering outside of that property as we speak.

    Does anyone know a POC to convey this to DCPD or the appropriate channel?

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