Welcome to your bi-monthly guide to everything that’s anything that’s rockin’ on the Hill. For this installment we’ve got pop, punk, trippy pyschedlia, and a little burlesque thrown in ta boot. So let’s get started, shall we?
First up, here’s what you’ll be able to see at The Red Palace in the next few weeks:
Fri, Feb 10
Howlin Rain
Psychedelic rock coming to you straight from 1976
Sat, Feb 11
The Rail Runners
R&B, Funk and soul, all from nearby Alexandria, VA
Sun, Feb 12
This Will Destroy You
Moody post-punk for fans of Mogwai and Explosions In The Sky. If you don’t know who they are, then basically, this is ROCCCCCCK.
Tues, Feb 14
Be My Valentine…or Not! Variety Show
Sex sells and The Red Palace knows this better than anyone, so if you’re into beer and bustiers they’ve got you covered with this burlesque extravaganza.
Wed, Feb 15
The Lexington Arrows
Surfy, trashy garage punk from Baltimore. What could be better?
Thurs, Feb 16
Free Lobster Buffet
This has nothing to do with food. It’s a band. A band that is actually BASED in Capitol Hill (those exist?) that intends to blow pop and ska into your ear-holes until you have fun.
Friday, Feb 17
Valentine Candy Burlesque: Bayou & Beads
More beer and bustiers. And that’s it. I promise.
Sat, Feb 18
Sugar Shack Burlesqe: Storming The Palace
Sun, Feb 19
Self described as a “sexy, avant-garde, electro-pop duo that is the dance love-child of 80’s funk, and pop-music from the future.” Cherub are here from Murfreesboro, TN to, um, do something. If you’re a happy/sexy/futuristic space robot and you know it, clap your hands?
Tues, Feb 21
Other Lives (HIH/CG PICK !!)
This group from the “wastelands” of Oklahoma has been around for a good while, but it wasn’t until their 2011 album, Tamer Animals that the members of Other Lives got the recognition that they so richly deserved. Big, gorgeous impossibly lush, their music will lift you up even as singer Jesse Tabish’s dark narratives take you down the path of loneliness, despair, and everything else that it is to be human. That description could easily be considered hyperbolic if Tamer Animals weren’t such a good record. And hey, if you need further endorsement how about this: RADIOHEAD picked Other Lives to open for them on their upcoming US Tour. So yea. You need to be at this show.
Wed, Feb 22
Nic Cowan
Whiskey-fueled, southern R&B. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.
And that’s it for The Red Palace in the next few weeks, but let’s not forget about the Palace’s older cousin The Rock And Roll Hotel. Here’s what’s going down:
Fri, Feb 10
Rock and Roll Spelling Bee
Drinking and Spelling, two of DC’s favorite pastimes, together at last. Now if there were only a live Words With Friends night.
Mon, Feb 13
Hip-Hop collective from Minneapolis. If that sounds weird, then get this: Members recently released the mash up titled “13 Chambers” under the name Wugazi that paired The Wu-Tang Clan with, you guessed it, DC’s very own Fugazi. Got your interest now?
Fri, Feb 17
The Junior League Band
DC based roots rock. Come on out and support the home team, y’all
Tues, Feb 21
The Souljazz Orchestra
Soul music from Ottowa. Stranger things have happened, but probably not better ones.
Wed, Feb 22
The Coastals
DC based indie/punk. Again, support the home team!!!
Thurs, Feb 23
The Twilight Sad
This trio from Scotland has managed to amass quite the following over the past few years, and with a sound described as “folk with layers of noise”, they’ll be making the trip across the pond to rock yer wee face off.
And that’s it folks Everything that’s anything in the world of music for the next two weeks, right here at home on the Hill. We’ll have some quick reviews of a few of these for you in the coming up, so until then, we’ll see you at the show and be sure keep your ear-holes full people!