07 Oct 2011

Let's take out the trash: Anacostia clean-up this weekend

image uploaded by TrailVoice on Flickr

Just when we thought it was safe to pack-up the summer shorts, Mother Nature gives us an unseasonably warm and rain-free weekend. So why not get outdoors and take advantage of an opportunity to improve our neighborhood’s natural environment?

United By Blue, an environmentally-friendly clothing company, is sponsoring an Anacostia River clean-up on Saturday. The clean-up starts at the Anacostia Park, “Section F” near the RFK Stadium parking lots.

The company hosts these clean-up events around the country, and they’re on track to collect 100,000 pounds of trash by the end of the year.

According to an event release, UBB selected the Anacostia River as a clean-up site because there is more than 20,000 tons of trash deposited into the river each year. This includes plastic bottles, tires, construction debris and household waste.  It’s easy to forget that the Anacostia is a natural ecosystem home to 50 species of fish and 188 species of birds including the bald eagle. Volunteers for the clean-up event can register online and will be treated to free snacks, games and contest prizes.

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