26 Apr 2011

Maury's Worthy Spring Break Project

New windows at Maury Elementary. Photo by Sharee Lawler.

Students returning to Maury Elementary today found their school with a much improved aspect.  During last week’s spring break, work crews descended upon the school at the corner of 13th and Constitution, NE,  busily replacing the school’s many windows.  What’s the big deal, you ask?  Having lived within sight of the school for 10 years, I can tell you that it is a major and well deserved improvement.

[Follow the jump for more photos.]

Old windows at Maury.

Friends and neighbors with kids at Maury talk of the amazing transformations happening on the inside: tons of parental involvement along with persistent and dedicated teachers and administrators have made it a sought after school with a waiting list.  The outside didn’t reflect these changes, however — it remained dull and shabby.

There have been little improvements here and there but changes seemed to start in earnest a year ago, with some landscaping revived and improved last summer along the Constitution Avenue side of the school, the fence was painted and adorned with bright wood cutouts and a teaching garden was planted.  Just before school started last summer, little cougar paw prints were added along the sidewalk and from the bike racks up the stairs to the entry on 13th.

Direct comparison: new vs. old.

But still there were the windows.  From the outside, they looked yellowed and cloudy.  Over the years, broken ones had occasionally been boarded up for months or for an entire school year.  Old air conditioning window units blocked some panes.  Despite improved hard- and soft-scaping, the old windows remained the dominant feature.

Work in progress late last week. I bet the kids would have loved watching this!

Now that feature is no longer a detraction.  The new windows make the whole building look brighter and more modern.

I walked by several times while work was in progress last week.  Once, a car drove by, honking insistently and stopping on the 13th Street side.  A mom rolled down her window to thank the workers and tell them how much she appreciated the update.  I imagine there were plenty more kudos as students returned to school today.

So, Maury parents and neighbors, what do you think?


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4 responses to “Maury's Worthy Spring Break Project”

  1. C in DC says:

    As another long-time Maury neighbor, I can only say “HURRAY!”

  2. Joe says:

    It looks great! Though, hopefully, they get those old AC units back in the windows soon as the school was a little warm today.

    Thanks OFM for getting the work done, to the workers who gave up their Easter Sunday to work. And, to Councilman Wells for his unending prodding to get the windows ordered and installed.

  3. Elizabeth Festa says:

    Lovin’ in. It was so opaque before, I had no idea how new window could make such a difference. Have windows ever been so clear? As Joe says, it is a little warm inside for the staff and kids temporarily–we are looking for temporary loans of fans as we await a/c unit reinstallation.

  4. asw says:

    agreed! it was definitely warm in there yesterday. but…will they really put those ugly a/c window units back in? any plans for central air? it seems a shame to deface those beautiful new windows!

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