18 Jan 2022

Volunteering & Giving:

Hosts Needed for One-Week Home Stays for International Students

Your help is needed to host international students. See more details below from reader Drury Tallant:

Stunning photo by @vtjawo via our hashtag #thehillishome

The American Councils for International Education has numerous programs for young adults to study abroad. Unfortunately several programs were cancelled in 2021.  For this year only, the American Leadership Experience (ALEX) program was developed to allow last year’s recipients an additional opportunity to visit and study in the United States.  This shortened 2-week program will bring fully vetted and vaccinated 17-19 year olds to the US who were unable to participate in 2020/21 exchange programs due to Covid travel restrictions. There are approximately 800 English-speaking students who had qualified last year.

Most of the students are from Eastern European countries, and each group of students is from the same country.  Each group of 50-60 students will travel to the US for a two-week visit.  During the first week the entire group will stay in a DC hotel and attend State Department sponsored educational and leadership programs.   The second week, smaller groups of 10 – 12 students are hosted by organizations around the country, including the Washington DC area.  The student’s daily program of activities is funded by the ALEX program, and the students live with families throughout the United States.  The homestay with an American family is a very important part of their experience, and students cannot participate unless host families are available.

The National Capital Area chapter of Friendship Force International (see www.FFNCA.org and www.thefriendshipforce.org for information on these organizations) plans to sponsor a student group of 10 – 12 young adults. 

Drury and Sandy Tallant are identifying homestay hosts and developing the program of activities.  We hope to secure additional hosts on Capitol Hill to more easily coordinate the student’s activities.  If you think you might be interested in hosting a young adult, or want more information about the ALEX program, the Friendship Force National Capital Area chapter, or Friendship Force International, please email Drury Tallant at DTallant@aol.com.

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